How far in advance do I need to order?

Do I have to be present at delivery for setup with my rental items?

How do you deliver my rental items?

Do you do site inspections?

How long is my rental for?

Do you require an ID for the over the counter rentals?

Is there a late fee charge if I do not return the items on the required return date?

Do I get charged if I do not return an item or If I lose a item?

Are the commercial string lights, Christmas lights?

What is a pole tent?

What is a frame tent?

What size tent do I need?

How much space do I need for my tent?

How do you anchor tents?

When will my tent be installed/removed?

How do I setup an OTC tent?

What about setting up or taking down tents outside of normal hours or on holidays?

Are the heaters propane or gas?

How much area can the heating systems cover?

How do I setup an OTC Inflatable?

Will an inflatable fit in a small car?

Are inflatables required to be staked down?

Do the inflatables need a generator?

Do the inflatables require a power source?

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
234 AL HWY 179 Boaz, AL